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The Easy Way to Select Colors Like a Pro

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Selecting colors for your home can be a daunting task. That wall of swatches at the paint store is totally overwhelming, and most people are so afraid of picking the wrong colors that they just stick with neutrals. But an all-beige home is seriously boring. So how do you come up with a color palette that works? Here’s my favorite trick for selecting colors: find a patterned fabric or area rug that you love. Ideally, it should contain at least three different colors. And then… simply use those colors for all the elements in your room! This works because pattern designers are skilled at selecting colors that work together, so the hard part has already been done for you. Here is an example using a rug from West Elm:

I identified five colors from this rug that would work well as the basis for a room. Remember, you can use lighter or darker shades of each color, and the accents can be on pillows, draperies, artwork, or other accessories. If you’re still struggling with color selection I can help. Contact me to set up a consultation – I can make the process quick and easy!

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