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Use Your Phone Camera to Stay Organized

organizing methods

Since smartphones have become a standard accessory, most of us have gotten so used to having a camera on hand at all times we take it for granted. You have probably used yours for fun things like selfies or sharing pictures of what you’re eating for lunch. But what if I told you your phone camera is a great tool to keep you organized? It can replace all those lists and bits of paper you carry around (and, inevitably lose) when you’re out and about. Here are some ideas to inspire you to use your phone camera to stay organized when you’re away from home! 1. To do lists – Do you have a long list of errands to run? Snap a pic of your to do list so you don’t forget any important stops. 2. Shopping lists – Instead of trying to keep track of that tiny post-it note with your grocery list scrawled on it, take a photo of it when you’re running to the store. This is also useful if you like to keep a white board or chalk board in your kitchen to note items that are running low. 3. Schedules – Keep track of your kid’s activities by keeping a photo of their schedules on your phone. 4. Printer toner/specialty batteries – Trying to remember that long string of numbers and letters for your printer toner or watch battery is next to impossible. Instead, just take a photo of the model number and bring it to the store. 5. License plate number – Confession: it took me years to memorize my license plate number! With my phone I don’t need to remember it, though, I can just keep a photo stored there. 6. Contact information/business cards – Exchanging business cards has pretty much become obsolete with our phone cameras ready. We could all just carry a single card around and snap a photo of each others’ instead! 7. Invitations – Keep the party address and details handy by snapping a picture of the invitation as you head out the door. 8. Specialty items – Do you have trouble remembering your partner’s favorite salad dressing? Maybe you tried a great wine or craft beer at a friend’s house that you want to pick up yourself? A photo will help you remember what you’re looking for when you’re out shopping.

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