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What Have You Just Gotten Used to in Your Home?

clutter in your home

Humans are an extremely adaptable species. Our current situation with the coronavirus has been a great reminder of this: in just a few months it has become normal to wear a mask in public, socially distance, and spend much more time close to home. Not to say that these changes have been easy, but in a short time they don't seem all that strange. Our adaptability is usually an asset, but one place it can work against us is in our own homes. It's easy for us to get used to clutter or a bad furniture layout. Think back to when you moved to your current home. Each time you walked into a room you probably noticed all the marks and imperfections left by the previous residents. Do you still even see them anymore? After a while, they just become part of the scenery. It is the same with clutter and disorganization. A pile of papers on the dining room table may annoy you for a week or so, but then you stop noticing it. A room that is arranged so you have to turn sideways to get around the sofa will seem inconvenient only for a while, and then that action becomes part of your routine. I encourage you to take a walk through your home and try to see it as if it was the first time. This can be hard to do when you are spending a lot of time there. One trick that can help is to take some photos of your space and then look at them on your phone: you will notice things with some distance that you don't see when living in the space. Try this and ask yourself what has been left out that should be put away? What is taking up space but serves no useful purpose? Why do you have that chair where everyone has to step around it to enter the living room? Regularly questioning the stuff you share your space with is a healthy exercise, especially now that your lifestyle may be different due to the coronavirus. Think about what is bringing value to your life and what you have simply gotten used to being there.

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